Orchids of New England & New York
Did you know that 65 species of orchids survive and thrive in New England & New York...including Long Island! But not all are tall, pink and gaudy. There are many small green species that are equally amazing. Photographer/writer/jazz musician Tom Nelson has teamed up with botanist Eric Lamont to create the definitive field guide for the seven state region (New York, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut).
- Find out how a lowly flower can outsmart a bee. The Grass-Pink tricks a bee into thinking the yellow tipped hairs on the lip are actually covered in pollen...but it's not. When they land, the built-in lip hinge collapses, slapping the unsuspecting bee onto the stick pollen packets. It now flies off to pollinate the next Grass-Pink it gets fooled by.
- Did you know that some orchid flowers are upside down? They twist 180 degrees during development so the lip is on the tip instead of the bottom.
- Learn why it takes some Lady's-slippers a dozen years of more to bloom. And why they must make crucial alliances with soil fungi to survive.
- An innovative format makes field identification a snap. All 65 species/varieties of orchids found in New England & New York. Maps for every species.
- Red-bar phenograms show you when each species blooms.
- Seed capsules shown for most species.
- Over 200 scientific references listed for the region.
- 250-plus color photos of our subtle to stunning orchids.
Retail $18.95
ISBN 978-1-936571-04-8