Naturalists Kim and Cindy Risen call the orchid-filled North Woods of Aitkin County, Minnesota home. Both enjoy exploring the northern wilds of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan searching for orchids. They share their knowledge through writing, programs and field trips. A special milestone was finding and photographing all of Minnesota's native orchids. Kim began birding along the Mississippi flyway more than 35 years ago. His experiences with camera and binoculars amidst the woods and prairies of the Midwest solidified birds, natural history and photography as major focuses of his life.
Cindy was born and raised in the heart of Aitkin County. Developing a passion for photography at an early age, she's melded it with her deep interest in flowers, birds and nature. She?s worked for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for nearly 20 years. Posted at Savanna Portage State Park, she's produced a photographic checklist of the park's flowering plants.
Kim and Cindy were the designers, principal photographers and principal authors of Aitkin County Naturally!, a guide celebrating the natural wonders of their home county. The book received a National Association for Interpretation Media Award in 2008.
Through their company, NatureScape Tours, they continue to share the wonder of nature - birds, butterflies and flowers - with others. Their travels have taken them to five continents, all the states of Mexico and into more bogs than most people will ever see.