Orchids of the North Woods

Written by: Kim and Cindy Risen  

Coming Fall 2010!

Did you know that fifty species of orchids survive and thrive in the North Woods? But not all are tall, pink and gaudy. There are many small green species that are equally amazing. Photographer/writer/naturalist couple Kim and Cindy Risen have scoured the buggy biomes searching out all our orchids. This guide also includes maps showing exact range for Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan, public locations to search, close-up photos of the flowers and many photos of seed pods.

  • Find out how a lowly flower can outsmart a bumblebee. The Ladyslippers entice the bee inside its pouch-like flower through the "front door" but forces it to exit through the "back door" where it deposits its pollen on the stigma and picks up another pollen packet as it is forced past the anther.
  • Did you know that some orchid flowers are upside down? They twist 180 degrees during development so the lip is on the tip instead of the bottom.
  • Learn how orchids can thrive even though their seeds have no surrounding nutritive packet. They must make crucial alliances with soil fungi to survive.

150-plus color photos
140 pages/softcover

Retail $18.95

ISBN 978-0-9792006-7-0
Buy this book from Adventure Publications. (wholesale customers click here)

Orchids of the North Woods

Look inside:

pages 10 and 11
pages 28 and 29
pages 106 and 107

  • © 2011 Kollath+Stensaas Publishing
  • 394 Lake Avenue South, Suite 406
  • Duluth, MN 55802